
Food Service & Ethical Purchasing Group

The pleasure of taste at the table We scrupulously check the entire supply chain, from raw materials to your table

ristorante food services

Passannante extra virgin olive oil, thanks to its organoleptic characteristics, is your ideal partner in the kitchen.
It enriches without covering all your dishes, whether simple or complex.
It is an ideal olive oil for all those who love lightness and who do not want to give up the pleasure of good food.
With the purchase of Passannante olive oil you will join our commitment to spread the culture of extra virgin olive oil, protect and guarantee its quality, promoting collaboration with local olive growers with a view to improving the entire production chain and protecting and enhancing the biodiversity of the Italian olive heritage.
Our olive oil is the result of the environmental sustainability of the production process and respect for agricultural and gastronomic traditions.

Why choose us

Unlike other condiments, Passannante extra virgin olive oil does not cover the flavor of your dishes but enhances it

Decorate your table with our exclusive packaging

Quality, traceability, and sustainability of the entire 0 km supply chain

Numerous partnerships with excellent restaurateurs

Great convenience even on small orders


Taste the quality of our extra virgin olive oil