
The quality of tradition The artisans of olive oil

controllo raccolta olive

Many things have remained exactly as they were originally.
The olives are still hand-picked directly from the tree through the so called “brucatura a mano” (picked by hand).

The hand picking is undoubtedly the most suitable method to ensure that the fruit arrives intact to the mill.

For our olive oil we choose the olives one by one.

We process the olives immediately after we hand pick them.

Yes, exactly. One of the secrets to having a perfect olive oil is the speed with which you process the freshly harvested fruit.

The selected olives are crushed immediately after harvesting with granite mullers in our ancient stone mill and then processed according to the classic method of cold pressing.

Macina in pietra frantoio Passannante

The olive paste, after milling, is transferred to the kneading machine.

Through a gentle and constant mixing of the oily paste, we encourage the olive oil particles to join together and so we facilitate the subsequent separation of the olive oil from the vegetable water.

Once the malaxing phase is completed, the olive paste is placed on diaphragms or membranes called “fiscoli”.

The olive paste, after being placed on the so called “fiscoli”, is cold pressed.

The liquid part is extracted exclusively by mechanical pressure thanks to the use of a hydraulic press.

The pressure exerted by the press allows the isolation of the liquid part, the oily must, that is olive oil and vegetation water.

The solid part, the pomace, remains trapped inside the so called “fiscoli”.

We have reached the last stage of the journey of our olives.

Once isolated from the solid part, the mixture of water and olive oil is subjected to a short centrifugation to have, therefore, the final isolation of the olive oil.

For the production of a high quality extra virgin olive oil, having our own olive oil mill is a fundamental aspect.

It allows you to process the olives immediately and thus safeguard the integrity of its aromatic and phenolic components.

The care of the olive tree, the harvesting of its fruits, the transformation and subsequent packaging are the phases that we scrupulously control and without which we would not be able to produce a unique and inimitable olive oil.

Because the quality of the olive oil we produce starts in the countryside and continues in our olive oil mill.

With our extra virgin olive oil we bring to your tables every day the simple taste of an all-Italian excellence of nature.

Cura degli olivi

Olives milling for third parties

Give us your olives and rely on our olive oil millers experience